
May 4, 2010

Bandung Day 3 : Jakarta

(more info on my bandung trip can be read HERE)

oleh sebab kat jakarta terlalu sibuk dan sesak, mood saya untuk mengambil gambar sudah hilang seratus peratus. kerana terlalu letih dan malas nak berasak-asak nak ambil gambar. in the end, masa dalam perjalanan pulang ke bandung, baru mood nak pegang kamera datang. itupun hanya bangunan-bangunan pencakar langit yang sempat di snap. lagipun kiri kanan saya cuma ada kereta yang lalu-lalang sehingga naik jemu. so, just enjoy the selection of photos of the skyscrapers ya!



Wan Kamilla said...

Wow! Love the way you snap all of t he photos :) I just bought D5000 and change its lens and still learning.. bole la tunjuk ajo kan? hehehe.. what type of camera you used?

Ezzan Yusop said...

milla : wow! D5000 tu. dahsyat...heheh. i'm just using the old Nikon D60. very cheap camera. hehehe. tunjuk ajar? hmmm saya ni bukan reti segala info psl photography ni, snap mengikut kata hati. that's where your creativity will show. cewah. tp if nak tau teknik dia, you can just view this blog ->

jfook said...

Woww..Nice shots..

Ezzan Yusop said...

jfook: thanks a lot! ;)