
Dec 31, 2009

sister act

some photos of my sister during the penang trip. and NO. bukan saya suka snap gambar dia. cuma dia selalu bising "kak! amik gambar aku kat sini!", "kak, amik gambar nor kat phone booth tu", "kak, kau amik gambar aku dari tepi!", "kak, cun tak gambar tadi kat situ?"...and so on. you all get the idea lah kan. haha.


back from the holiday

i'm baccckkkkkkkk. ok, that sounds so lame as if people were expecting you. ahaks. after 4 idle days i'm finally back from my penang trip. the trip was amazing. we had so much fun. love the food, the shopping and the camwhoring mode there. feels like wanted to stay there for a long time but duty calls. anyway, i will blog about the trip later :) together with some photos.

*tetiba berbahasa inggeris pula kat sini. al-maklumlah banyak sangat mat saleh kat penang tu terasa macam kat oversea pula. huihuihui~

Just to wish you

Happy New Year!

* adik, aku guna gambar kau. haha. oleh sebab aku yang snap gambar ni jadi ini harta aku yang punya. hahahaha!

oh ye tiada azam whatsoever for me. i don't believe in it. if you want it to happen, make it happen. tidak perlu tunggu tahun setiap tahun baru nak buat azam. ok. that's me being mean. haha.

kepada semua peserta contest : saya sedang mereview gambar-gambar anda. baru gambar yang ke-100 mata saya dah berpinar. hehe!

Dec 25, 2009

It's Over

HELL YEAH. after a looooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg list of participations from the bloggers who took part in the contest, i now announce that the Black And White Photography Contest is officially OVER!! (terasa macam nak buat mexican wave. kuikui!)

Thank you so much guys for supporting this contest although at first macam rasa tak confident je ada orang interested nak join. You guys proved me wrong so give yourself a big hug. cewah. Million appologies for not leaving some comments on your photos but trust me, I have checked each and every single of one of you (yang drop me the link kat comment lah bukan kat shout box. huhu!)

Starting tomorrow i will visit again all your blogs and kumpulkan semua gambar before i pass it to the judges. For your information, i will be a bit strict ye untuk selection process (disebabkan terlalu ramai) especially kalau logo tiada, tajuk contest lain daripada syarat yang ditetapkan ke saya akan reject awal-awal.

Anyway, the result will be announce next year, after new year InsyaAllah. lama sikit because i'll be away for a holiday in Penang sampai lah the 30th. hehe.

Have a great holiday ya people!!!

Dec 24, 2009

Black & White Photography Contest (sticky entry)

Just a simple note : please please please read the whole entry ye so that it'll be easier for you to understand.

Comment function akan di disabled pada jam 0001 25th December nanti. orang sebut je Merry Xmas HoHoHo, maka tertutup sudah contest ini. so, better send all the submission as soon as possible... :)

ingin sertai contest ini?

anda tidak perlulah khuatir sekiranya anda rasa seperti 'tak reti lah ambil gambar cantik-cantik, i bukan pro, i suka-suka saja ni ambil gambar' because it truly doesn't matter. lagipun contest ni bukanlah untuk mencari Malaysia's Next Top Photographer uols. sekadar suka-suka. sekiranya anda fikirkan akan dapat sebuah DSLR kalau menang, anda memang salah tempat. haha. saya pun tiada DSLR inikan pula nak hadiahkan orang satu. hehe. hadiah pun tiadalah sespecial and segempak mana sangat. tapi still RAHSIA. let me rephase again 'SEKADAR SUKA-SUKA' tau contest ni jadi hadiah pun suka-suka lah...hikhik!

so, syarat-syaratnya adalah...

  • create an entry (bukan Sticky Entry) with the title BLACK & WHITE PHOTO Contest. tidak perlu elaborate panjang lebar because i myself kalau nak masuk contest tak suka buat entry yang bercerita. sebenarnya kalau takat hanya gambar sahaja pun dah mencukupi hehehe ;p tapi kalau nak juga elaborate, i don't mind :)
  • upload ONE BLACK & WHITE PHOTO OF YOURSELF. ye gambar DIRI ANDA SENDIRI yang hitam putih yuk and leave a comment on this post that will directly link back to your post. i repeat, only ONE. kalau korang upload banyak-banyak bermakna entry anda tidak dikira. saya tidak akan pilih salah satu ke apa ke sebab dah jelas lagi bersuluh perkataan ONE BLACK & WHITE PHOTO OF YOURSELF.
  • copy the above logo and paste it on your entry and it back to this entry ye kawan-kawan :D (oh ye, you might want to resize the logo to fit your column size. sebab photo ni saya upload guna photobucket!)
  • this contest ends on 31st December 2009. 25th December 2009

  • (terpaksa largekan font for this paragraph sebab orang asyik tanya 'boleh gambar ramai2 tak, boleh gambar dengan adik x? boleh gambar dengan boyfriend tak?'....aiyo make sure you read the whole entry ye....
    - nak clarifykan something...sebenarnya nak gambar ramai-ramai tu bukan tak boleh, boleh aja dong CUMA pastikan ANDA adalah subjek utama dalam gambar tersebut. kira macam you are the main focus. bila orang tengok gambar tu, diorang akan notice you first instead of the next person sitting next to you. lagi satu, kalau boleh mesti nampak MUKA anda. kalau tak banyak sikit pun boleh lah. ngerti enggak?

    cth macam ni :

    (credit to : for this photo)

    walaupun ada banyak subjek dalam gambar ni, but still the bald guy caught your attention first right? that's what i mean. you have to be the BALD GUY in your photo. hehehe.

    As simple as that.
    No sticky entry needed.
    No need to be my follower. (tapi kalau nak jadi pun boleh, tiada paksaan)

    oh ye forgot to mention, yang ni PENTING.
    the photo MUST BE ORIGINAL ok. jangan ambil photo orang lain and then claim yang it's yours. no plagiat plagiat one.

    ALL THE BEST!!!!

    should you have any question, feel free to asked me ye... ;)