
Mar 27, 2012

on hiatus ke?

Well, i feel like i'm really on hiatus since the last update on this blog was in January. Excuse me for my absence since i'm struggling with work. I know it's lame to blamed everything on the workload tapi itulah realitinya.

Dah lamaaaa sangat tak pegang DSLR. Sekarang ni semua pun nak cepatlan. Cepat update status, cepat upload gambar, semualah nak cepat. So basically now, i am more comfortable using my iPod Touch to snap photos. Lagipun boleh edit and upload terus le social network site. Oh ye, for those yang ada instagram, do stop by at my profile ye @ezzanyusop. Nak follow boleh, takmo follow pun boleh. Tiada paksaan :)

Till then, i leave you with a couple of photos from my instagram page...